AL-ASR Academia
AL-ASR Academia


Al-Asr, a non-profit Educational Society, endeavours to bring about progressive change in people’s lives while introducing Islam in its pristine form. It strives to educate and inform humankind about the truth and the noble message of Islam and promote religious harmony by means of religious discourses, discussions, interfaith dialogues, symposia, etc. It also aims to peacefully present and defend Islam as well as dispel any misconceptions and myths regarding it.

AL-ASR Academia


  • Strive for human welfare.
  • Change people’s outlook towards life.
  • Exhort the worship of the Creator instead of His creation.
  • Educate and Empower women.
  • Inculcate moral values in children and youth.
  • Maintain and transmit Islamic culture and ethos through education.
  • Endeavour to make the message of the Creator accessible for all using modern technology and media.